Legendary Red Box: What is the difference between Imperial Cookies and Arsenal Cookies?

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At the end of the year like this, one thing that many people think of is buying gifts to give to those they love, whether they are friends, relatives, etc. and one thing that many people must think of and is a classic gift is red box cookies, of which there are 2 brands that many people know, which are Imperial Cookies and Arsenal Cookies, but there is a question that red box cookies are similar, but what are the differences?

History of Imperial Cookies and Arsenal Cookies

Imperial brand cookies are butter cookies produced by KCG Corporation Co., Ltd. In addition to cookies, there are also biscuits, bakery ingredients, milk products, butter, cheese, ready-to-eat food, frozen food, สมัคร ufabet etc. The history of this company is 65 years old. Arsenal brand cookies

are produced by Siam Ruammit Co., Ltd. Which does not only make cookies. But also makes many snack brands such as Hanami, Snack Jack, etc. This company was founded in 1976. Which is 47 years old now.

Legendary Red Box: What is the difference between Imperial Cookies and Arsenal Cookies?

The red boxes are the same but the front view is different.

The Imperial Cookie Box and the Arsenal Cookie Box are both red cookie boxes. But the soldier images on the front of the box are different. The soldier image on the Imperial Cookie Box is of soldiers marching in front of Amalienborg Palace, while the image on the Arsenal Cookie Box is of British soldiers with Big Ben in the background.

Characteristics and taste of cookies in the box

Imperial cookies come in 5 flavors, focusing on a soft and crumbly texture, light in color but with a distinct buttery smell.

Arsenal cookies come in 4 flavors, focusing on a crispy, dense texture, darker in color.