How to choose “Longan” that is sweet, crispy, firm, and bouncy, and you won’t get tired of eating it.

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Longan is not just a thirst-quenching fruit, but it also has many nutritional values. Including vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. But how do you choose longan to get both deliciousness and maximum benefits? Let’s learn the techniques for choosing longan that is sweet, crispy, has lots of flesh, and small seeds together.

How to choose "Longan" that is sweet, crispy, firm, and bouncy, and you won't get tired of eating it.

How to choose longan

  • Look at the size: Choose longan bunches with uniformly large fruits because they are usually fully ripe and have a sweet and delicious taste.
  • Observe the color of the peel: Dark brown peel with sparse lines indicates that the longan is ripe and the flesh is firm and sweet.
  • Texture: Smooth shell, no scars or insect bites.
  • Stem area: Mature longan will have flesh at the stalk that is slightly raised. Similar to the shape of a heart.
  • Firmness of the flesh: Try pressing lightly on the โปรโมชั่น ufabet stem. If the flesh is firm and not dented, it means it is fresh.
  • Overall texture: Choose fruits that have firm skin, not soft or oozing water, as they may be rotten.
  • Check for freshness: Gently press the longan skin. If the skin feels elastic and bounces back, it is not hard, indicating that the longan is still fresh.
  • Look at the stem: Select longan bunches with fruits still firmly attached to the stem and not falling off too much. Because if a lot of fruits fall off, it means that the longans may have been stored for a long time.
  • Buy according to the season: From August onwards, longans from Thailand start to appear on the market, which ensures fresh longans and reduces the risk of encountering longans that have been treated with growth hormones.

Additional tip: Longans that have been picked should have a slight aroma. Try smelling them.